Updated Articles

  1. Export a Report

    Information and instructions on exporting your to PDFs, Word documents, or Excel spreadsheets.
  2. Add Parameters to a Report

    Instructions on adding parameters to a report in Resolver Core, which allows administrators to filter which data is shown in a report and all its elements.
  3. Add Data Visualization Filters to a Report

    Add filters to a report in Resolver Core to allow users to filter which information is displayed on a pie chart, table, or heat map.
  4. Languages Overview

    About the Languages feature which allows you to translate the UI and applications in Resolver Core.
  5. Supported Language Translations

    Overview The Languages  feature allows you to customize the language text in Resolver’s user interfaces (e.g., applications, fields, object types, etc.). By downloading a Languages .csv file, you can map language translations to the u...
  6. Trending Tables

    An overview of the Trending Table option on field or formula elements, important notes, and how to add them to a configurable form.
  7. Configuring Formulas on Forms

    Information on formulas and how they can be displayed on configurable forms in Resolver Core.
  8. Configuring a References on a Form

    How to add a reference field to a configurable form.
  9. Confidential Submissions Visibility Rules

    How to adjust Confidential Submission visibility conditions and use the Stay Informed Modal pop-up.
  10. Enable the Confidential Submitter Property

    How to configure the Confidential Submitter Property on a standard form.