Edit Columns on a Table within a Report


Users can display additional information on a table by adding or editing table columns.

User Account Requirements

The user account you use to log in must have Administrator permission to access the Data Visualization feature.

Related Information/Setup

For more information regarding Views, please refer to the Views Over article.

For more information on role permissions, please refer to the Workflow Permissions article.


  1. From the Home screen, click the Administration icon.

Administration Icon

  1. From the Admin Overview screen, click the Data Visualizations tile under the Views section.

Data Visualization Tile

  1. From the Admin: Data Visualizations screen, enter a keyword in the Search field to narrow the search results list.

Search Field

  1. Click the Report you want to add or edit a column.

Report Link

Edit Columns in a Report Table

  1. From the Admin: Edit Report screen, navigate to where the table is on the Report.

Table Section

  1. Hover the cursor over a table and click the Edit icon to edit the table.

Edit Icon

  1. From the Edit Table screen, click the Columns tab.

Columns Tab

  1. From the Columns tab, scroll to the Select Data section. 

Select Data Section

  1. (Optional) Enter a keyword in the Search field to narrow your search.

    Select Data Search Field

  2. Click on a property, workflow state, field, formula, relationship, reference, or role to add the information to the table using a data column.

Select a Column Element

  1. (Optional) Deselect a column element (field, workflow state, etc.) to remove the column from the table.
  2. Select a default form from the Default Custom Forms dropdown menu. The form selected will appear when a user clicks on the table data. Choosing Default will display the form on the user's role permissions for the object type.

Default Custom Forms Dropdown

  1. (Optional) From the Sort Columns section, click the Delete icon to remove a column from the table.

Delete Icon

  1. (Optional) Click the Move icon to rearrange the columns on the table.

Move Icon

  1. (Optional) Select the Show SUM totals for all numeric columns checkbox will display the total value of all numeric fields on the table.

Show SUM total for all numeric columns

  1. (Optional) Select the Display Colored Cells checkbox to display formulas or select list cells with text and full background color.

Display Colored Cells

  1. (Optional) Select the Display Colored Ovals checkbox to display formulas or select list cells as text with colored circle background.

Display Colored Ovals

  1. (Optional) Select the Display No Color checkbox to display formulas or select list cells as text with no background.

Display No Color

  1. Click the Done button to apply your changes.

Done Button