Updated Articles

  1. Enabling the Advanced Permissions - User Management Feature

    Overview The User Management - Advanced Permissions feature allows Administrators to provide a user with Advanced Permissions. Advanced Permissions include: Creating new users Editing users (name and address fields) Enabling/Disabling users...
  2. Creating a User List

    Overview The Export User List feature adds an Export As CSV button to the Users screen, allowing an Administrator to download a User List consisting of all members in an Organization. The User List will exclude users with the following e...
  3. Edit or Delete a User

    How to edit or delete a user account in Resolver Core.
  4. Create a New User

    How to create a new user account in Core, as well an overview of the features available through these settings.
  5. Edit Columns on a Table within a Report

    Learn how to edit the columns of a table in a report.
  6. Add a Table to a Report

    Learn what table reports are and how to create them in Resolver Core.
  7. Viewing Historical Report Data

    Overview When the Point in Time Reporting feature is enabled, users can view a report's historical data based on a selected date. This feature makes it possible for users with continuous assessments to view the status of assessments from ...
  8. Creating a Duplicate Report

    Warning: It was discovered that the Duplicate Reports feature was causing a complex issue when importing an org. Due to this issue, the feature will be disabled until further notice. Overview Administrators...
  9. Disabling/Enabling the Report Export Feature

    Overview Administrators can disable the Exports feature for a report. Disabling this feature will remove the Word, Excel, PDF export icons within a report. By default, this feature is enabled, allowing users to export reports using th...
  10. Reports & Data Grids