Updated Articles

  1. Editing a Select List Field

    Overview Administrators can edit and delete an existing field. Applying edits to an existing field will affect all object types related to the field. Deleting a field will remove the field from all related object types. User Account Requireme...
  2. Creating a New Select List

    Instructions on creating a new select list (dropdown menu) field, which can then be added to an object type.
  3. Creating a Date & Time Field

    Instructions on creating a new date and time field, which can then be added to an object type.
  4. Creating a Workflow Trigger to Pull Data Values by Reference

    Overview Users can add context to an Object using the Pull Data Values option on the Type dropdown menu on the Edit Trigger pop-up within a Workflow Trigger, using a relationship or reference. User Account Requirements The user account...
  5. Reordering a Workflow State

    Overview Administrator users can reorder a Workflow's States by clicking the Reorder button on the Admin: Object Types screen. The Administrator can click a state on the Reorder pop-up screen and drag and drop it in a new position...
  6. Edit / Delete a Trigger or Transition

    Learn how to edit or delete a trigger, transition, or action on a workflow on an object type.
  7. Workflows

  8. Formulas

  9. Adding a Condition to a Transition

    Create and add a condition on a transition in a workflow on Resolver Core.
  10. Creating a Date-Based Trigger

    Overview The Date-based Triggers feature allows an Administrator to set up Triggers based on a date Field or a Formula that produces a date variable.  Date-based Triggers run on the Field or Formula date associated with the Trigger, help de...