Version 2.2 Release Notes

New Features

Starred Reports

It's now possible to star reports so they appear as tabs on your homepage, allowing you to quickly access important information that's relevant to you. A starred report can even be flagged as your landing page so it's the first thing you see when you log in. See the New in 2.2: Starred Reports article to watch a short orientation video.

My Tasks Tab

The My Tasks page is now accessible through a tab on the homepage and appears beside any starred report tabs.

Email Templates

Tailor the emails sent to users during a Messaging workflow action with the new Email Templates settings, where you can add custom subject lines and messages, apply basic formatting, and even include your company logo.

Heat Map Colors

Additional colors are available for heat map reports. Clicking a cell when configuring the report lets you choose from light to dark shades of green, yellow, orange, and red.

Role Parameters on Reports

Administrators can apply the By Role parameter on reports, which controls the data displayed in the report and all its elements. More parameters will be available in future releases.

Assign Roles & States on Imported Objects

Administrators can now assign roles and workflow states when importing objects.

Printing Improvements

Larger tables and images no longer appear cut off in printed forms or reports, headers no longer appear alone on separate pages, and table headers are repeated when a table spans more than one page.


General performance improvements.