Object Types & Objects

Create a New Object Type

To create a new object type:

  1. Click the icon in the top bar > Object Types in the Data Model section.
  2. Click Create Object Type.
  3. Enter a name for the object type in the Name field.
  4. Optional: Enter a plural name for the object type, which will appear when viewing a list of the objects for that type (e.g. “View Incidents” instead of “View Incident”).
  5. Optional: Enter a description of the object type, which will appear on the Edit Object Type page when editing the object type.
    The Create Object Type page.
  6. Optional: To customize the object type monogram:
    1. Click the monogram icon to the left of the Name field.
    2. Enter 1 to 3 characters in the Monogram field.
    3. Click the Pick a color dropdown menu to reveal the color picker. You can also type a hex color into this field to select a color.
      The Customize Monogram screen.

      The monogram is used to help you quickly identify an object type throughout CORE. If you’re creating multiple similar object types (e.g. Incidents and Incident Review) you may want to apply the same or similar colors to their monograms to help create a theme.
    4. Click Done.
  7. Click Create to display Edit Object Type page.
    A new object type. By default, new object types do not have any workflows, concatenations, or components.

Create a New Object Type Group

To create a new object type group:

  1. Click theicon in the top bar > Object Type Groups in the Data Model section.
  2. Click Create Object Type Group.
  3. Enter a name for the object type in the Name field.
  4. Optional: Enter a brief description of the object type group in the Long Name field, which will appear below the object type when editing it. The Create Object Type Group page.
  5. Click Create to display the Related Object Types section.
  6. In the field in the Related Object Types section, enter the name of the object type you want to add or select it from the dropdown menu. Continue to add more object types as needed.A new Object Type Group. After clicking Create, the Related Object Types section is displayed.
  7. Click Add Selected.
  8. Click Done when finished.

Edit or Delete an Object Type


 You can edit or delete object types from your org. 

If any data has been saved to or associated with an object type, it’s strongly recommended that you do not delete it. 

User Account Requirements

The user must have Administrator permissions in order to access the Admin Overview section. 

Related Information/Setup

Please refer to the Object Types Overview article for more information on object types.

Please refer to the Delete an Object article to learn more about deleting objects before deleting an object type. 

  1. From the Home screen, click the Administration icon.
  2. Administration Icon

  1. From the Admin Overview screen, click the Object Types tile under the Data Model section.
  2. Object Types Tile

  1. From the Object Types screen, enter a keyword in the Search field to narrow the Object Types list and click the Object Type you wish to edit or delete.
  2. Object Type Name

  1. You can edit and delete the object type from the Edit Object Type screen.

    Edit Object Type Screen   

Editing an Object Type

  1. To edit the object type’s name, description, or monogram, click the Edit icon beside the object type’s name.
  2. Edit Object Type Icon   

  3. Click the tabs to edit or delete the components added to the object type.
  4. Click the Done button.
  5. Done Button   

Deleting an Object Type

  1. Before deleting an object type, you must delete all objects associated with it.
  2. To delete the object type, click the Delete icon.
  3. Delete Icon   

  4. Click the Delete button to confirm.
  5. Delete Button   

Edit or Delete an Object Type Group

To edit or delete an object type group:

  1. Click theicon in the top bar > Object Type Groups in the Data Model section.
  2. Click the object type group you want to edit to display the Edit Object Type Group page.
  3. Enter an alternate name in the Name or Long Name fields, as needed.
  4. To add an additional related object type, enter the name of the object type you want to add or select it from the dropdown menu in the Related Object Types section, then click Add Selected.
  5. To remove a related object type, click the icon next to that object type.
  6. To delete the object type, click the icon, then click Yes to confirm.
  7. Click Done when finished.

Delete an Object

Depending on their role permissions, both administrators and end users can delete objects. However, before an object can be deleted, you must review the Deletion Request warning, which outlines how deleting that specific object impacts other objects connected through relationships or references. 

An object cannot be deleted when it's viewed on a navigation form or from the rightside editor palette.

To delete an object:

  1. Open the object form in full screen mode.
  2. Click the icon at the form's top-right, then click Delete
  3. Review the Deletion Request, which summarizes the number of impacted relationships and references.
  4. Once you've ruled out negative impacts on those related/reference objects, click  to confirm.

The Delete option at the top-right of the page.

Deleting an object with relationships or references will delete that object’s connection to those other objects, but it will not delete the other objects to which it was related.