New Articles

  1. Version 3.1 Release Notes (Vendor Risk)

    Release notes for the Resolver Vendor Risk Management 3.1 release with a summary of new features.
  2. Version 3.1 (Security Risk Management)

    Release notes for the Resolver Security Risk Management 3.1 release with a summary of new features.
  3. User Audit Trail Events & Filters

    Descriptions and notes about the columns, subjects, events, and filters in the User Audit Trail.
  4. Version 3.1 Release Notes (Incident Management)

    Release notes for the Resolver Incident Management 3.1 release with a summary of new features.
  5. User Audit Trail Overview

    An introduction to the User Audit Trail feature, together with a list of important notes and limitations.
  6. Point in Time Reporting

    Instructions and important notes on enabling the Point in Time Reporting feature and viewing historical data as an end-user.
  7. Version 3.1+ Release Notes

    Release notes for Resolver Core 3.1 and any hotfixes, with a summary of new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
  8. Version 3.0.7 (Hotfix) Release Notes

    Release notes for the Resolver Core 3.0.7 hotfix release with a summary of bug fixes.
  9. Version 3.0.6 (Hotfix) (Command Center)

    Release notes for the Command Center 3.0.6 hotfix release with a summary of improvements bug fixes.
  10. Attachment Searches

    Info and instructions on searching Core for attachments, including text, Word, and PDF documents.