New Articles

  1. IT Implementation To-Do List

    IT Implementation To-Do List
  2. Project Roles

    SOW - Project Roles SOW - Resolver Project Roles SOW - Customer Project Roles
  3. Non-Technical Terms

    SOW - Non Technical Terms
  4. Risk Management App Summary

    A point form summary of the Risk Management App
  5. Update the Hostname to the Data Warehouse

    Instructions for updating the hostname to connect to Resolvers Data Warehouse
  6. Version 22.2 Release Notes (Vendor Risk Management)

    New Features Enhancements for New Feature Enablement Rescoping Launched Assessment To allow the Vendor Team to Rescope an assessment, ADD TO SCOPE  button to  Open Assessment Rescoping form action has been added to forms for the P...
  7. Version 22.1 Release Notes (IT Compliance Management)

    New Features Regulatory Content   22.2 Application release includes the following  updated and expanded Content Frameworks for the ITCM application.  Update: PCIDSS from version 3.2.1 to version 4. Update: ISO 27002 from vers...
  8. Version 22.2 Release Notes (IT Risk Management)

    New Features Enhancements for New Feature Enablement  Rescoping Launched Assessment To allow the IT Risk Team to Rescope an assessment, ADD TO SCOPE  button to  Open Assessment Rescoping form action has been added to forms fo...
  9. Version 22.2 Release Notes (Internal Controls)

    New Features Internal Controls Management (IC) Report Enhancement To assist with the detection of assessment objects without corresponding library objects, the Assessment Status Report has been updated to include New Controls table created i...
  10. Version 22.2 Release Notes (Internal Audit)

    New Features Enhancements for New Feature Enablement Rescoping Launched Assessment To allow the Internal Audit Team, Internal Audit Lead & Internal Audit Staff to Rescope an assessment, ADD TO SCOPE  button to  Open Asses...