New Articles

  1. Version 3.0

    New Features Geolocations The new Geolocation property allows users to record and view the location of an object via an address field, pins on a map, or both. Through this feature, users can visualize where events or incidents are occurring to ...
  2. reports

    Retrieve, modify, add, or delete reports, filters, and/or parameters. Report Component Types Type Element 1 Free Form Text 2 Table 3 Pie/Half-Pie Chart 4 Heat Map 5 Bar/Column Chart 6 N/A (Unsupported elements) 7...
  3. relationshipTypes

    Retrieve, add, modify, or delete relationships and references.  GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/relationship Retrieve all relationships for an object type, with the option to references and/or details of linked object types. Cu...
  4. lifeCycle

    Retrieve, modify, or delete object type workflows.   GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/objectLifeCycle Retrieve all workflows and workflow states for an object type. Curl Request curl -X GET --header 'Accept: applicat...
  5. objectTypeRoles

    Retrieve, add, modify, or delete roles added to object types.  GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/role  Retrieves the roles added to an object type. Curl Request curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --head...
  6. formulas

    Retrieve the formulas added to an object type as well as their ranges.   GET   /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/formulas Retrieve all formulas added to an object type. Curl Request curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json&...
  7. Log In with SSO

    How to use single sign-on with Resolver Internal Audit Management.
  8. fields

    Retrieve, create, update, or delete fields individually or retrieve the fields added to an object type. Field Types Field Type Description 0 Text 1 Numeric 2 Date & Time 3 Single Select List 4 Attachment 5 Multi S...
  9. objectTypes

    Retrieve object type details, as well as create, modify, or delete object types.  GET    /object/objectType Retrieves a list of all the object types in the org, along with their external reference IDs and internal IDs. Curl Reque...
  10. Popular Endpoints