Updated Articles

  1. Configuring the Dynamic Two-way Email Pop-up

    Overview The Two-way Email pop-up appears when a Submitter submits an Incident Submission Form. A Submitter  can bypass the Two-way Email pop-up depending on your configuration settings. User Account Requirements The user accou...
  2. Create a Data Grid View

    Create a view to display a data grid to end users, which will allow them to view and interact with object data in a spreadsheet-style format.
  3. Create a Report View

    Learn how to create a report view in Core so that end users can access charts, heat maps, tables, and more.
  4. Create a Data Export View

    How to create a view to access the data analytics spreadsheet to export object data.
  5. Reply to an Email Object Submitter

    Overview The Two-way Email feature allows users in Resolver to reply to Object Submitters through email. Required Information/Setup Refer to the Enable Two-way Email article to the Set up Two-way Email. Enable Two-way Email You must set ...
  6. Enter Relationship Data on the Import Template

    How to record relationship data to import into Core using the Data Import tool.
  7. Version 22.2+ Release Notes

    The Resolver Platform Version 22.2 Software Release Notes
  8. Manage Assessments Tab Overview

    Information on the assessment section and how to enable or disable it on a configurable form in Resolver Core.
  9. Trends and Analysis Tab Overview

    Overview The Trending and Analysis tab can be enabled on standard form headers and appears at the top of the form. The Trending and Analysis tab allows you to: View Assessment results. See the Assessments that are connected to an Objec...
  10. Form Headers Overview

    An overview of Form Headers and Control Effectiveness.