Updated Articles

  1. Opening a Corrective Action

    Overview After a corrective action is added to an issue, a user will need to fill out further details for that corrective action and open the corrective action. Related Information/Setup Please refer to the Creating a New ...
  2. Submitting an Issue for Review

    Overview After creating an issue for an Internal Audit Project's Control, a member of the Interna Audit Team must review the issue and add further information before the issue can be submitted for review. User Account Requ...
  3. Creating a New Issue

    How to review issues in Internal Audit Management.
  4. Creating a New Test

    Overview A Member of the Internal Audit Team will review an Internal Audit Project and add a new test to a control, determining the control's effectiveness. Related Information/Setup Please refer to the Sending an Internal Audi...
  5. Form History Overview - History Tab

    Overview Users can track changes on elements within the system by accessing the History tab on an element. Navigation The History tab is located under the History  tab on a standard form. History Tab History Tab From t...
  6. Form Comments Overview - Communication Tab

    Information on leaving comments, replying to comments, and tagging other users on a form in the Incident Management app.
  7. Form Comments Overview - Communication Tab

    Overview Users can add and reply to comments on incidents and related objects. User Account Requirements The user account you use to log into Resolver must have permission to reply to comments within their user group or account permissions. ...
  8. Form Comments Overview

    How to add comments on forms in Resolver's Risk Management app.
  9. Form Comments Overview

    How to add comments on forms in Resolver's Security Risk Management app.
  10. Popular Endpoints