Updated Articles

  1. Viewing an Audit Corrective Actions Summary Report

    Overview The Audit Committee Summary report displays information on all internal audit projects within an internal audit plan. Users can see Audit Ratings, Issue Priority, Audits Reports Issued in the last quarter, and the status of all interna...
  2. Viewing an Internal Audit Finding Summary Report

    Overview The Audit Committee Summary report displays information on all internal audit projects within an internal audit plan. Users can see Audit Ratings, Issue Priority, Audits Reports Issued in the last quarter, and the status of all interna...
  3. Viewing the Audit Committee Summary Report

    Overview The Audit Committee Summary report displays information on all internal audit projects within an internal audit plan. Users can see Audit Ratings, Issue Priority, Audits Reports Issued in the last quarter, and the status of all...
  4. Issues and Actions Overview

    Overview The Issues and Actions screen allows users to review issues and action identified as a result of the audit process. The Internal Audit Findings Summary section allows users to create a report displaying issues by busines...
  5. CORE Hosted Maintenance Schedule

    Scheduled Maintenance: Note: During the scheduled maintenance, monthly security updates and general system maintenance will be performed, with brief 10 min service interruptions. Resolver CORE Hosted Location Time of Interruption ...
  6. Closing an Issue

    Overview User can close an issue once it has been reviewed and resolved. An issue can only be closed once all connected corrective actions have been closed. User Account Requirements The user account used to log into Resolver must be added...
  7. Sending an Internal Audit Test for Review

    How to review a test as a member of the internal audit team and submit it to the lead for review.
  8. Creating a New Policy

    Overview A Member of the Internal Audit Team will review an Internal Audit Project and add a new policy to a control, determining the control's effectiveness. User Account Requirements The user account used to log into ...
  9. Closing a Corrective Action

    Overview Once a member of the Internal Audit Team has reviewed a corrective action attached to an internal audit project in the Fieldwork phase, it is assigned to the Internal Audit Lead for final review. Related Information/S...
  10. Submitting a Corrective Action for Review

    Overview After a corrective action has been reviewed and moved to an open state, it must be reviewed by an Internal Audit Manager. Related Information/Setup Please refer to the Creating a New Corrective Action article for...