Updated Articles

  1. Deleting a File from a Form

    Overview Users can delete a file from a form if they no longer need to reference the information in the file. Related Information/Setup For more information on editing an attachment file, please see the Editing an Attachment Using Microsoft Of...
  2. Viewing a Files Version History

    Overview Users can review a file's version history. The Version History lists all previous file versions, version number, date and time, and created by/edited by. Related Information/Setup For more information on editing an attachment file...
  3. Discarding File Changes

    Overview Users can discard changes made to a file and revert to the previous file version. Related Information/Setup For more information on editing an attachment file, please see the Editing an Attachment Using Microsoft Office Web Applicatio...
  4. Previewing a File

    Overview Users can preview the content of a file on an Attachment card using the Preview function on the More Options dropdown menu. Related Information/Setup For more information on editing an attachment file, please see the Editing an Attach...
  5. Version 23.1ab Release Notes (IT Compliance Management)

    Release 23.1ab (IT Compliance Management) New Application The new Threat Protection app and collateral were added to App Base. Improvements We created a single Form for Library and Assessment Versions of the authority document. We created ...
  6. Version 23.1ab Release Notes (Compliance Management)

    Release 23.1ab (Compliance Management) New Application The new Threat Protection app and collateral were added to App Base. Improvements Improved the user experience by updating the colors in the App Base color palette based on Accessibilit...
  7. Downloading a File

    Overview Users can review a file's version history. The Version History lists all previous file versions, version number, date and time, and created by/edited by. Related Information/Setup For more information on editing an attachment file...
  8. Version 23.3ab Release Notes (WAVR)

    Release 23.3ab (WAVR) Improvements We fixed a typo in the Person Assessment – WAVR-21-x- Grid and Person Assessment Entry – WARV21 02 – Add/Edit form within the WAVR application. The Case Metrics report will now appear in the...
  9. Add Fields to an Object Type

    Instructions on creating and adding fields to an object type in Resolver Core.
  10. Deploying a Dashboard Configuration to another Organization

    Our new Dashboard feature is available upon request for the initial launch phase. Please contact your Customer Success Manager if you'd like to schedule implementation with our Services team. Overview Warning: Users must contact the...