Updated Articles

  1. Version 23.3.1ab Release Notes (Command Center)

    Improvements We removed the Command Center Administrator’s ability to edit closed and closed–completed activities. The Escalated to Incident workflow name was changed to Closed – Escalated. The state was also changed from Active...
  2. Version 23.3.1ab Release Notes (Security Risk Management)

    Improvements The SRM – Issues by Location form will default to Issue – SRM – Overview.
  3. Version 23.3.1ab Release Notes (Incident Management)

    Improvements We have added a Vehicles subtab to the Involvements and Related Data tab on the IM – 6 – Full – Edit form, allowing users to add Involved Vehicles to the form. Incidents in the Under Investigation workflow state...
  4. Infrastructure & Reliability Overview

    Information on Resolver Core's availability targets, maintenance schedule, service outages, data backup, and disaster recovery.
  5. Risk Management Overview

    An overview of Resolver's Risk Management application.
  6. User Audit Trail Overview

    An introduction to the User Audit Trail feature, together with a list of important notes and limitations.
  7. Customer-Managed KMS Keys

    Overview Customers who opt-in to use a Dedicated Environment or Database also have the option to manage their own KMS Key. This article breaks down what a KMS Key is, how to securely manage a KMS Key, what happens if a KMS Key is deleted or lost,...
  8. Create a Form View

    Instructions on creating a form view in Core to give end users access to objects via configurable forms.
  9. Creating a New Email Address

    Create a setting in Resolver Core that will create a new object whenever an email is sent to a generated email address.
  10. Email Templates Overview

    An introduction to the Email Templates settings in Resolver Core, which allows administrators to create custom templates or edit the default templates used in the Messaging workflow action.