Updated Articles

  1. Version 24.1ab (Compliance Management)

    Improvements: A Custom option was added to the Content Source field, allowing customers to add custom frameworks with specific configuration set up.  ...
  2. Version 24.1ab (Risk Management)

    Improvements: RM Heatmaps were updated, including a more focused color palette, and switching X and Y-axis (X = Inherent Risk Score and Y = Control Effectiveness) improving the user experience. 
  3. Version 23.3.1ab (Risk Management)

    Improvements The ERM – Risk Management Dashboard was edited to focus on organization and communication. The following areas were added or reconfigured: Risk Assessment Progress Risks Requiring Assessment Controls Requiring Assessment L...
  4. Creating a New Dashboard Data Set

    Information Alert: Our new Dashboard feature is available upon request for the initial launch phase. Please contact your Customer Success Manager if you'd like to schedule implementation with our Services team. Overview Res...
  5. What is App Lockdown?

    App Lockdown App Lockdown is a change control process used to ensure production system integrity is maintained for the duration of your project. We create a copy of the existing Production environment and add it to a separate Sandbox e...
  6. IT Implementation To-Do List

    IT Implementation To-Do List
  7. Release 24.1

    24.1.0 Features Merge Duplicate Objects The Merge Duplicate Object feature allows users to merge two objects (a Main object and a Duplicate object), updating the Main object (e.g., Merging duplicate user profiles to create one user profile). Whe...
  8. Reports Overview

    An overview of reports in the Compliance Management app.
  9. lifeCycle

    Retrieve, modify, or delete object type workflows.   GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/objectLifeCycle Retrieve all workflows and workflow states for an object type. Curl Request curl -X GET --header 'Accept: applicat...
  10. Platform Update Process

    How Core releases are rolled out to our customers.