Updated Articles

  1. Impersonate Another User

    Instructions on how to impersonate non-administrative users in Core.
  2. Creating a Duplicate Report

    Warning: It was discovered that the Duplicate Reports feature was causing a complex issue when importing an org. Due to this issue, the feature will be disabled until further notice. Overview Administrators...
  3. Version 24.0+ Internal Release Notes

    Warning: This article and its embedded links are for internal use only. External release notes are posted  here . 24.1.0 Features Merge Duplicate Objects The Merge Duplicate Object feature allows users to merge two objects (...
  4. Release 24.1

    24.1.0 Features Merge Duplicate Objects The Merge Duplicate Object feature allows users to merge two objects (a Main object and a Duplicate object), updating the Main object (e.g., Merging duplicate user profiles to create one user profile). Whe...
  5. Reports Overview

    An overview of reports in the Compliance Management app.
  6. Popular Endpoints

  7. lifeCycle

    Retrieve, modify, or delete object type workflows.   GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/objectLifeCycle Retrieve all workflows and workflow states for an object type. Curl Request curl -X GET --header 'Accept: applicat...
  8. CORE Hosted Maintenance Schedule

    Scheduled Maintenance: Note: During the scheduled maintenance, monthly security updates and general system maintenance will be performed, with brief 10 min service interruptions. Resolver CORE Hosted Location Time of Interruption ...
  9. Platform Update Process

    How Core releases are rolled out to our customers.
  10. Creating a New Dashboard

    Our new Dashboard feature can be scheduled for enablement, for the initial launch phase. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to schedule implementation with our Services team. Overview Resolver’s Dashboard Builder allows Adminis...