Form Conflict Overview

If a user belongs to two or more roles that have permission to view the same object, but each role should be accessing that object through a different standard form (including palette forms), a form conflict exists. By default, Core will display the most recently created form to the user; however, you can identify forms that are potentially in conflict by impersonating the user, navigating to one of the forms, then assigning priorities to the forms to control which one should be displayed first.

Caroline is a user added to the Risk Owner and Control Owner roles, both of which have permission to access the Control object type. You create two forms for the Control object type: the Control Owner form for the Control Owner role, which is completely editable, and the Risk Owner form for the Risk Owner role, which is read-only except for a few fields. As the control owner for Control 1, Caroline needs to access this object and make changes; however, because the Risk Owner form was created after the Control Owner form, the Risk Owner form is displayed, preventing her from making the required changes. To remedy this, you edit both forms to assign the Control Owner form a 2 priority and Risk Owner a 1 priority. With these forms prioritized, the next time Caroline needs to edit a control object she owns, she'll be able to make all the changes as needed.

For information on checking for form conflicts and assigning form priorities, see the Identify a Conflict & Set a Form's Priority article.